CLINICAL/LEGAL PRESENTATION: In this section of the document, I define
for you the three most common sexual problems in clerics that I have
seen and that I am aware many of my colleagues have seen:
(a) Compulsive Heterosexual/Homosexual Acting Out
(b) Pedophilia or Sexual Molestation of Minors
(c) Exhibitionism
I point out in this section common ways in which these three sexual
problems present themselves in Roman Catholic clerics.
LEGAL ADVICE: In this section of the document, I mention in an all
too superficial manner the following issues with respect to civil
(a) Choosing an Attorney for Advice
(b) Reporting Laws in Your State
(c) What Advice Will Your Attorney Give You
(d) I Am Not An Attorney
This is a very important section that has a much more comprehensive
treatment in the section called "Confidential Crisis Proposal" in
this document.
In this section of the document, I give my personal opinion as to
what should be essential components of any evaluation of a cleric
who is suspected of having a sexual problem as severe as pedophilia
or exhibitionism. This is quit specific and again a personal and professional
opinion. Mention is made of four Roman Catholic evaluation facilities
which could be used.INPATIENT TREATMENT PROGRAM: In this section of
the document, I again give a professional opinion as to the components
of inpatient treatment programs that should be present if you are
planning to send any cleric for treatment of this complex paraphilia
AFTERCARE PLANNING: In this section of the document, I list six possible
areas of discussion for Aftercare Planning, which is one of the most
important aspects of any treatment program. This psychiatric disease
is a lifelong disease and the treatment of it in the cleric, though
there is new hope in some treatment modalities, must also be a lifelong
treatment plan. It is here that much discussion will be generated
and where you can be most helpful to us at the Saint Luke Institute
and perhaps at the other programs where you have clerics now in treatment.
JOHNS HOPKINS PROGRAM: En this section, I have copied for you the
literature packet that is given to potential patients in the Sexual
Disorders Clinic which is Co Directed by Dr. John Money and Dr. Fred
Berlin; these two mental health professionals are considered by me
and most people in the field as the two U.S. experts and ones who
have had good success in treatment of the paraphiliac disorders in
the past fifteen years.
CLERGY MALPRACTICE: In this section, there is a short article with
which you may already be familiar. It is written by an attorney and
is entitled "Clergy Malpractice". It is a lead story from a law journal
called Case & Comment which is put out by the American Bar Association.
CONFIDENTIAL CRISIS This is a document produced by Reverend Thomas
PROPOSAL: P. Doyle, O.P. (canon lawyer), Mr. Ray Mouton
(trial attorney), and Dr. Michael Peterson.
The "proposal" section is not meant to be a presentation to you. Instead,
I felt that it could not be excluded from the document without detracting
from the full effect of the document s questions that are posed. Much
research went into the production of this document and the same disclaimer
mentioned at the beginning of this section must be invoked in your
reading it. I would ask that you be careful if you decide to reproduce
any parts of these documents which I have assembled for you and that
the disclaimer be clearly a part of the reproduction so no misunderstandings
can develop among the treatment facilities and among the other Bishops
who are not present at this particular meeting when the document was
presented to you.